Marines call it a bug out bag, a backpack filled with survival equipment that can sit on the shelf ready to go at a moment’s notice. Like the Marines, you can adapt to and overcome any obstacle in an emergency. All you need are the proper tools grouped together so you can find them.
For Marines and their families, every duty station presents unique challenges. In South Carolina hurricanes move dangerously close to the coast. Sometimes we get flooding, sometimes we lose power and sometimes we have to evacuate. We even have tornados. In California, we experienced earthquakes, flooding and wild fires. In some areas winter storms can be life threatening. You can tailor survival kits for any kind of emergency.
Below are examples of things to have on hand for your emergency kits. You may have many of these things at home already. All you need to do is put them together in one area so you can easily access them. Other items you can find at your local stores or you can purchase them through the links on this page. *
When you click on an item you will be brought to a site where you can get a more detailed description and make a purchase if you wish. Right now, most of the links go to or Survival Frog but I’ll be adding more items and affiliates as I find them.
*Pleases note: is an Amazon affiliate and a Survival Frog affiliate. If you purchase items through these links, I will earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. The tabs below are grouped into several categories. Browse the selections to see what you already have on hand or what you might need to purchase in the future.
Items for your Bug Out Bag
Once you gather together all of the items you need for your bug out bag, you'll need something like this 24BattlePack Tactical Backpack - 3 Day Assault Pack. This one is waterproof, expandable and has a 1 year warranty. The company is also owned by a military veteran.
Clean drinking water is essential for any survival kit. LifeStraw provides you with clean drinking water when you can get to a water source but don't know if it is potable. The straw filters out dirt, bacteria, parasites, and even microplastics.
Skins so soft is the secret weapon against sand fleas (no see ums). Now Avon has a Skin So Soft bug formula in convenient packets.
Every emergency kit needs a blanket, but traditional ones take up too much space. Mylar blankets are light weight and compact. These are waterproof and reflect 90 percent of body heat.
Never underestimate the value of a good multitool like this one from Leatherman. It's perfect for a bug out bag or any kind of emergency bag. This one has 18 tools including plyers, wire cutters, scissors and screw drivers.
Keep this flint fire starter handy in your kit. You never know when you will need to start a fire for warmth or in order to cook a meal.
Staying hydrated is essential during any emergency situation. Make sure you have easy access to plenty of water with a hydration bladder like this one.
I have a weather radio with a crank to recharge but this option has 3 power sources: a crank, solar panel and AAA batteries. It also has a power bank to recharge your phone!
This water purifier not only kills bacteria, but it kills, protozoa and viruses too. It has a digital display and a USB charger.
Compact yet full of the basic things you need for your bug out bag first aid kit, like: bandages, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, eye pads, and disposable gloves.
Duct tape can be use for so many things. Did your snack bag get a rip in it? Form a quick patch with duct tape. I've even seen prom dresses made out of this versitile tape! And while you probably won't need it to make clothing, you can use it to patch camping equipment like tents or make fly tape to catch those pesky insects.
A manual can opener is a must for your bag. When the electricity goes out, you will be glad you have a gadget to open up a can of pork and beans, chili, or soup. We stayed for hurricane Matthew in 2016. The power went out and stayed out for over a week, but I had no trouble using up my canned goods using my easy turn can opener.
If you have children, bring along some coloring books, crayons and other fun activities for them. You can download free coloring pages from this site or visit BeeandKiwi 's Ko-Fi page where you can get free coloring pages or buy the artist a cup of coffee. Check the site occasionally for more freebees.
There are different kits to choose from for ages 3 to 6, like spelling, alphabet, and, I can count. The search and find kit contains 6 different double sided activity sheets and two dry erase pens. After the activity is completed they can be wiped off, stored with your bug out bag and used next time.
We used to take long car rides to visit our family twice a year. Our daughter usually did well, until one year, she didn't. She started getting nauseous if the car ride took too long. When you leave by car to escape a hurricane and everyone else is leaving too, it can take hours to get to your destination. Dramamine for kids is a nice addition to your bug out bag essentials, just in case.
Consider buying a door stop alarm for your hotel room. If someone tries to break in, an alarm sounds. The 120DB alarm is sure to wake you up and scare the intruder.
There are different kits to choose from for ages 3 to 6, like spelling, alphabet, and, I can count. The search and find kit contains 6 different double sided activity sheets and two dry erase pens. After the activity is completed they can be wiped off, stored with your bug out bag and used next time.
If you have children, bring along some coloring books, crayons and other fun activities for them. You can download free coloring pages from this site or visit BeeandKiwi 's Ko-Fi page where you can get free coloring pages or buy the artist a cup of coffee. Check the site occasionally for more freebees.
Wireless head phones make a great gift. They can be used to watch movies, play games, listen to podcasts or music without disturbing anyone around you.
Another good quality wireless head set.
Vehicle Emergency Kit
Compact yet full of the basic things you need for your bug out bag first aid kit, like: bandages, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, eye pads, and disposable gloves.
This water purifier not only kills bacteria, but it kills, protozoa and viruses too. It has a digital display and a USB charger.
Never underestimate the value of a good multitool like this one from Leatherman. It's perfect for a bug out bag or any kind of emergency bag. This one has 18 tools including plyers, wire cutters, scissors and screw drivers.
Every emergency kit needs a blanket, but traditional ones take up too much space. Mylar blankets are light weight and compact. These are waterproof and reflect 90 percent of body heat.
Clean drinking water is essential for any survival kit. LifeStraw provides you with clean drinking water when you can get to a water source but don't know if it is potable. The straw filters out dirt, bacteria, parasites, and even microplastics.
Skins so soft is the secret weapon against sand fleas (no see ums). Now Avon has a Skin So Soft bug formula in convenient packets.
Regular sleeping bags take up a lot of room. Not this one. It is a portable thermal sleeping bag that fits in your hand.
Give yourself peace of mind by keeping a seat belt cutter within reach inside your vehicle. This one is also a window hammer in case you need to break the glass in order to escape your vehicle. It's a great gift for any family member.