No one expected to see news of Robin William’s death on August 11th. I thought we would experience at least 20 more years of movies and comedy specials and then maybe one day I’d sneak back stage after one of his weekly shows in Vegas and get his autograph and a picture. Unfortunately I will never get the chance to meet him, but the body of work he compiled during his brilliant acting career allowed me to laugh, cry and explore my thoughts about serious topics like the Vietnam War in Good Morning Vietnam, divorce in Mrs. Doubtfire, and mental breakdown, suicide, and the afterlife in What Dreams May Come.
Since his death many people posted stories to help others understand why the world is a much sadder place without Robin.
One story from Retired Marine Rich Brown caught my attention and Rich was kind enough to allow me to share it with you.
My Missed Opportunity to Meet Robin Williams
by Rich Brown, USMC Retired
Back in 1992, during a Med Float with 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I was reassigned from the USS Tortuga to the USS Trenton.
Well, the Tortuga, the ship I just left, went to Morocco. And in Morocco my friends ran into Robin Williams and invited him back to the ship. Robin accepted the invite.
He spent an entire day of his family’s vacation in Morocco on ship with Marines and Sailors. He went to every single berthing area and entertained each one of them.
My friend Michael has a picture of them together that day. I will always regret not getting a chance to meet Robin. Maybe I will someday.
Robin Williams, approaches the stage at the Contingency Operating Base Speicher main gym to begin his act. Williams performed for troops at COB Speicher during a brief USO stopover at the base, Dec. 19. 2007
Photo by CPL William Howard
After reading Rich’s story I researched Robin’s involvement with the USO and found out he also entertained troops as part of the USO Tours for years in places like Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.
If you would like to read stories about servicemen and women who met Robin Williams during his USO tours, click here.
Robin Williams launches into a colorful tirade about Contingency Operating Base Speicher’s water during a performance at the COB Speicher main gym, Dec. 19, 2007. Photo by Cpl William Howard