by Lance Cpl. Ryan Hageali

Staff Sgt. Daniel Ramos presents the senior drill instructor creed during the senior drill instructor course on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island S.C. The Senior Drill Instructor Course is required for all drill instructors to become senior drill instructors on Parris Island. (US Marine Corps photo by LCpl Hageali)
Gunnery Sgt. Matthew Dike is the lead instructor for the senior drill instructor course. The course teaches a capable drill instructor to be an effective senior drill instructor.
“The process for a drill instructor to become a senior drill instructor is that they have to fill multiple billets while on Parris Island,” said Dike. “Drill instructors start off as the fourth in line, then they become the knowledge drill instructor, and then the experienced drill instructor once they have established that they understand every key billet. That is when they can become a senior drill instructor, basically, they are the master of their Military Occupation Specialty as a drill instructor.”